Monday, December 1, 2008

Eating and Guilt

One of the greatest challenges that I face as a working mother is making sure my kids eat healthy. I probably have more guilt over this area than almost anything that I do as a mother. I take a lot of shortcuts that I don't really feel guilty about: throwing gifts into gift bags because I have no time to wrap presents for birthdays, even if I do feel outdone by the creative mommy down the street who color coordinates everything like a junior Martha Stewart. Or sending money for school events, rather than volunteering my free (!) time to help edit the yearbook. Or spraying febreeze on a pair of jeans that aren't really dirty, and could skip a washing that I didn't have to do the night before. But food, well that gets me every time. I was raised by a woman who cooked three meals a day, every day.
I at least try to assuage my guilt at serving my child frozen ziti by having her eat carrot sticks and applesauce along with it. I think, however, that this is the one area that I may never really get over in terms of working mom guilt. I'll just remember to slip some mashed peas into the next batch of brownies I bake.